6th YPP 2014
Profile of Youth Parliament Member

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Amna Saeed
Brief Profile

Amna Saeed belongs to Lahore district of Punjab. She was born on 24th December 1992. Ms. Saeed completed her matriculation from Govt Kinnaird Girls High School, Lahore in 2007. She completed her FSc (pre-medical) from Govt Degree College for Women, Kot Khawaja Saeed, Lahore and currently she is in her Final (5th) year of Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) at Lahore College for Women University. She has been a debater, winning several essay and report writing competitions till now. In addition to that she remained an active part of active citizens program by British Council in 2012 and is leading a social action project by the name of LIFE: Learn Innovation For Ever, under this program. Ms. Saeed was also the only female student selected by British Council to receive and have a consultative meeting with Prime Minister of UK Mr. David Cameron as representative of Pakistani youth in 2013. Ms. Saeed was selected by British Council for International Study Visit to UK (January 2013). Currently she is the vice president of a non profitable organization “Pakistan Academy of Pharmacist”.

Status in Youth Parliament

Politically, Amna Saeed is affiliated with Blue Party , Member of Standing Committee on Education & Youth Affairs .

Contact Detail
Email: amnasaeed_1992@yahoo.com
Participation in Legislative Business
Second Session

Ms. Amina Sheikh (YP24-PUNJAB05), Ms. Anum Tariq Khan (YP27-PUNJAB08), Mr. Moazzam Habib (YP38-PUNJAB19), Ms. Amna Saeed (YP25-PUNJAB06), Mr. Hassan Masood (YP31-PUNJAB12) and Mr. Ehtisham ul Haq (YP15-KP03) would like to move following resolution:"This House is of the opinion that freedom of expression is a fundamental right but state's sovereignty and the well being of its citizens. PEMRA should regulate the media in the best interest of Pakistan and PEMRA's appointments must be made on merit for this purpose."

Fifth Session

Mr. Ehtisham Ul Haq, (YP15-KP03), Mr. Moazzam Habib, (YP38-PUNJAB19),Ms. Sakina Gulab Khan, (YP19-KP07) and Ms. Amna Saeed, (YP25-PUNJAB06) would like to move the following resolution: "This House is of the opinion that there is lack of quality education in Pakistan. In Governmental Educational Institution 51% of the student of class 5th are unable to read a passage in Urdu. This House demands that Government of Pakistan should pay special attention towards quality, free, and compulsory education and also include the word "quality" in Article 25A of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan."

Ms. Amna Saeed (YP25-PUNJAB06), Syed Tassawur Kazmi (YP10-GB02), Mr. Irshad Ahmad (YP53-SINDH06) and Ms. Anum Tariq Khan (YP27-PUNJAB08) would like to move the following resolution: "This House is of the opinion that indirect taxes (General Sales Tax on commodities, Services tax) should be minimized as it affects the poor adversely, thus causing inflation; and progressive legislation (luxury taxes and sin taxes) be promoted for the even distribution of tax proportion within the country".

Syed Tassawur Mehdi Kazmi (YP10-GB02) Mr. Javed Ali Manwa (YP09-GB01) Mr. Ramiz A Malik (YP58-SINDH11) and Ms. Amna Saeed (YP25-PUNJAB06) would like to move the following resolution: "This House is of the opinion that National Testing Service (NTS) has been formed to earn and get money from the pockets of poor students & unemployed youth of the country in the name of Entry Tests & Employment Tests, and suggests the Federal Government to establish an organization that can provide the same service at cheaper rates."

Ms. Ayesha Siddique Khan (YP28-PUNJAB09), Mr. Ali Izhar Bajwa (YP22-PUNJAB03) and Ms. Amna Saeed (YP25-PUNJAB06) would like to move the following resolution: "This House is of the view that the establishment of military courts by virtue of the 21st Amendment is in contravention to the much cherished democratic and cardinal constitutional principles, primarily the doctrine of separation of powers. There is no denying the fact that Pakistan is facing exceptional circumstances but any decisions taken in panic and as a knee jerk reaction can have grave ramifications. Hence the right discourse would be the strengthening of the Judiciary with greater protection to witnesses, prosecutors and judges so that rule of law can prevail."

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