6th YPP 2014
Profile of Youth Parliament Member

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Abdul Majeed
Brief Profile

Abdul Majeed was born on April 19, 1992 and belongs to Jhang District. He is currently doing BSc Economics and Finance from Lahore School of Economics. Mr. Abdul Majeed has been involved in many community works and was head of Punjab for Rotaract Club. Moreover, he has taken part in stock market simulations and was member of a college advisory committee to the Bank of England. In addition to that he remained representative of international students union in his A-levels which he completed from England. He has been a keen sportsman which includes participating in athletics at National level in Pakistan. He aspires to become a successful entrepreneur as well as a member of society who positively contributes to society’s welfare.

Status in Youth Parliament

Politically, Abdul Majeed is affiliated with Blue Party , Member of Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Affairs & Planning .

Contact Detail
Email: abdul.majeed.sh@hotmail.com
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